Worship Associates Job Description

Worship Associates work with the Minister(s), Director of Lifespan Faith Engagement, and Director of Music Ministry to create and lead worship and shape the monthly themes. Associates explore the qualities of excellent worship, receive training in worship leadership, and meet on a regular basis to assess recent services and shape upcoming worship services.  Associates also help arrange and lead worship when the minister is out of the pulpit, and may develop and lead a worship service themselves.

The UUCCH Worship Associate program is one of many such programs at UU congregations around the country. While this program goes by different names and takes different forms, the underlying premise is the same: Collaboration and shared ministry among clergy, worship staff and lay members produces vibrant worship that enriches the experience for everyone and draws new people to the congregation.

Worship Associates must be members of UUCCH and demonstrate the following:

  • Interest in and ideas about enhancing worship at UUCCH
  • Ability to work as a member of a team
  • A commitment to shared ministry
  • Ability to communicate effectively, especially through public speaking
  • Identification with UUCCH as a focus in your personal spiritual life

Worship Associates are expected to make the following time commitments:

  • Saturday meetings as scheduled (monthly or bi-monthly) for 2 hours
  • Sunday morning service leading approximately 8-12 times a year
  • One or two retreats each year (for team building, planning and training). These half day retreats will likely be scheduled on a Saturday in place of a regular meeting.
  • Time necessary to research and develop components for service

Length of Commitment:

  • A Worship Associate’s term is two years
  • An Associate may apply for a second two-year term; if selected, they must rotate off for at least one term before applying for a third term.

If you have questions or comments, or if you are interested in discussing the commitments involved in being a Worship Associate, please speak to the minister or email minister@uucch.org. We welcome your input and ideas about worship.