FALL 2020 Update: We continue to meet on Zoom each Sunday and will do so for the foreseeable future. Our children are always welcome to join their family for the Sunday service at 10:15 and most Sundays there is a 1:00 p.m. Religious Education class via Zoom.


9:00 am

On first and second Sunday mornings (and possibly others in the future), we offer Adult Faith Engagement Classes. These classes are open to anyone, and you are welcome to drop in anytime to check them out. Classes are ongoing and last one hour. Child care may be available upon request.

10:15 am

Our large worship service begins. For multi-generational Sundays, everyone stays and worships together.

On other Sundays, children and youth begin in worship with their families. We strive to include people of all ages in such a vital piece of congregational life. Children and youth are present for the beginning portions of worship, including the chalice lighting, opening hymn, and the call to worship. Following these segments, we offer a Time for All Ages, a portion of the worship including story and engaging all ages in the message of the day’s worship topic. 

10:30 am

After Time for All Ages, the children are led out of worship and to the location for the activity of that day. Spiritual Practice Sundays and Social Justice Sundays are all children and youth together. Classroom Sundays are age-separated and are split as follows: Chalice Children (ages 3-5), Spirit Play (1st – 3rd grade), Spirit Quest (4th – 5th grade), Jr. Youth (6th – 7th grade), and Senior Youth (8th – 12th grade).

11:30 am

Both worship and classes come to an end. Children in Chalice Children and Spirit Play (pre-K through 3rd grade) classrooms wait until guardians come to check them out. Children and Youth 4th Grade and up are allowed or sign themselves out and meet their guardians in coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall.

12:00 pm

On third Sundays, we offer a Parents’ and Caregivers’ group. We meet in the Horsch Room until 1:00. Child care is always available.